Article 27 The establishment, modification or termination of a school or any other institution of education shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, go through the formalities of examination, verification, approval and registration or filing for the record. 第二十七条学校及其他教育机构的设立、变更和终止,应当按照国家有关规定办理审核、批准、注册或者备案手续。
As the supreme chief executives of medical affairs in different periods of Yuan Dynasty, they were directly involved in the institution and implementation of relevant medical management regulations. 作为元代医政的最高管理者,他们直接参与相关医药管理制度的制定与执行。
Article 24 An asset appraisal institution may merge or split up in pursuance of the relevant laws and regulations. 第二十四条资产评估机构可以依据国家有关法律法规合并或者分立。
The institution of import and export commodities inspection should inspect the commodities declared for export strictly according to the regulations. 商检机构对报关出口的货物应严格按规定进行商检。
The audit institution shall have the power to stop the ongoing acts committed by an auditee in violation of the regulations of the State governing government and financial revenues and expenditures; 审计机关对被审计单位正在进行的违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,有权予以制止;
The vocational training institution shall guarantee the quality of vocational training, and abide by laws and regulations, and carrying out the state vocational education plan. 职业训练机构应当遵守法律、法规,贯彻国家职业教育方针,保证职业训练质量。
The specific operations shall be prescribed and announced by the banking supervision institution of the State Council in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations. 需要审查批准或者备案的业务品种,由国务院银行业监督管理机构依照法律、行政法规作出规定并公布。
The state of dust control in coal mine mainly depends on the implementation of the comprehensive dust control measures, the development of the science and technology for dust control and the institution of the appropriate regulations and rules. 煤矿防尘工作的好坏主要取决于综合防尘措施的落实、防尘科技的发展状况以及与此相适应的法规标准。
Therefore, it seems necessary to do some valuable exploration on ESOPs from aspects of effectuation forms, long-term stimulation principles, preferential tax policies made by the government, institution of laws and regulations and so on. 因此,从ESOPs的实现形式、长期激励的原则、政府税收优惠政策和法律法规的制定等方面对ESOPs作一些有益的探索看来是必要的。
The institution of higher learning, as a social organization, is responsible for the society to take up special tasks, and should take an active response to the prosecution of the administrative law and regulations in it. 高等学校作为对社会承担特殊责任的社会组织,对行政法治在高等学校的深入贯彻则应作出积极的回应。
Ponds. It is also an important experience for environmental protection and institution of plastic concrete construction regulations in design, construction, inspection, quality control and management. 介绍了其设计、施工、质量检测要求和控制管理,为搞好矿山环境保护和制定塑性混凝土施工技术规范提供了经验。
Library should create new institution so as to ensure forming information quality of librarians, using the rules and regulations to promote the librarians to accept the education about information quality so that the requirements of the readers and society are met. 为保障图书馆人信息素质的养成,图书馆应进行制度创新,用规章制度促进图书馆人接受信息素质教育、以适应读者的需求、时代的需求。
The state and social institution of China are different from Japan, so that fishery laws and regulations are not the same. 中日两国有不同的国情和社会制度,造成两国的渔业法规必然存在差异。
The part one has introduced the Cross Examination institution of the Anglo-American countries, which includes the concept, procedure, main regulations, different modes and its practical situation. 本文第一部分对英美法系国家的交叉询问制度进行了概述,包括交叉询问的概念、运作程序、主要规则以及交叉询问制度的不同模式及其在国外的运行状况。
The establishment of the law institution of obligation of security is to comply with the public's requirements to the law and regulations about the obligation of security because of their impairments of the body and property. 安全保障义务这一法律制度是因应现实生活中社会公众在社会活动中遭受人身和财产方面的损害得不到有效或充分的救济而产生对法律的明确规定这一需求而产生的。
From the angle of game research, the institution of Chinese private capital entering domestic banking is the result of many factors, especially the game between government regulations and private capitals. The institutional transition route can be regarded as the track of equilibrium solutions of game. 从博弈分析的角度来看,转型期中国民间资本进入银行业是多方博弈的结果,其制度变迁过程可以看成是国家与民间资本之间的博弈过程,变迁的路径就是博弈均衡解的轨迹。
The Institution is the combination of different norms and regulations while institutional ethics is a kind of institutional arrangement of a series of norms and regulations made by coordinating the moralization of institutions and the institutionalization of morality. 制度是规则的集合,制度伦理则是制度的道德性与道德的制度化相协调的一系列规范和规则的制度安排。
The setting-up of independent automotive financial service institution needs the support of such fundamental systems as perfect monitoring regulations, healthy personal credit system and automotive property right system. 建立独立的汽车金融服务机构,需要完善的监管法规、健全的个人信用制度以及汽车产权制度等基础性制度的支撑。
The internal causes for this consisted of the evolution of banking institutions, the institution of banking rules and regulations, growth of the ranks of Chinese bankers and changes in operational concepts and modes. 银行制度的演变、银行业法规的建设、银行家队伍的成长以及近代中国银行业经营运作理念和方式的变化等等,是这期间银行业快速发展的内因条件。
Thus, it's of both theoretic and practical significance to enlarge supervision fields for Business Administration Institution in Chongqing and to ensure the actual implements of its functions and powers by study on the measures it takes to supervise the electronic commerce under the current laws and regulations. 因此,研究在现行法律法规环境下,工商行政管理机关如何监管电子商务,对重庆市工商局拓宽监管领域,实现职能到位具有较强的理论和现实意义。
The very essence of institution is the kinds of relationship among people in social activities under certain historical circumstances, the abstracted, systemized regulations of social function, and the regulation system that stimulates and restricts human behaviors, i.e. the existence mode of social relations. 制度的本质是人们在一定历史条件下的社会活动中结成的各种社会关系的抽象化、体系化的社会运行规则,是激励和限制人们行为的规范体系,是社会关系的存在方式。
Accounting institution is the dynamic logical entirety including accounting order with all kinds of accounting state of affairs and accounting system as rules and regulations. It is the fusion of accounting order and accounting regulation. 会计制序是指由包含着种种会计事态的会计秩序和作为规则与约束的会计制度动态发展的逻辑整合体,是会计秩序与会计制度融合的结果。
The Low-Rent Housing Institution is a series of regulations and behaviors of a government aiming at offering low-rent housing to those poverty-stricken families as a part of housing-for-all program. In many countries, this is a field where national housing institution intersected with social security system. 摘要:廉租住房制度是政府向低收入家庭提供低租住房社会保障的系列行为规则体系,是许多国家住房制度与社会保障制度相互结合的领域。
Any social institution is a series of regulations based on the treatment of relations between human beings and the God. The religious belief not only is internalized into the nuclear belief of a institution, but also affects the evolution directions of the social institution. 任何社会的制度都是在处理人与神关系基础上而形成的规则系统,宗教信仰不仅内化为制度的核心信念,而且左右着该社会制度演进方向。